Monday, August 30, 2010

Visit from the grandpugparents

The puglets have had an entire week! to spend with the gramma and grampa aka Big Pieces Of Food. It's like the Pied Piper with these animals -- except that instead of a song, the pugs are getting an endless supply of treats. And in return, they're giving an endless supply of love and cuddlage.

I don't think that Cleo's body has been separated from a lap.

Even private Sasha is, uncharacteristically, snuggly in her own private way.

Deedee's just in it for the food.


  1. everybody looks so content. did some three little puglets come back from the groomers, by the way?

  2. indeed! in preparation for the extensive shnergling they were to have from the grandpugparents, as a matter of fact. no one wants to shnergle a stinky pug.
