After having sworn never to fly with 3 pugs again, we proceeded on to Total Memory Failure and booked ourselves on a plane to the grandpappys' for the holiday. Why the reluctance to fly? The primary reason is that Miss Arthritic Sasha is now 12, and possibly too old to be crammed into a carrier stuffed under a seat for the duration of a 4 to 6 hour flight.
The other is that the airlines have this total scam (detailed vociferously here) that is biased against pet owners, wherein we pay several times over to 1) buy the ticket, 2) pay a pet fee ($250 roundtrip on jetblue), 3) substitute the pug for a personal item, thereby forcing us to pay to check in bags, all for the privilege of stuffing the poor pug under the seat and endure harrassing comments from airline staff to remind us to keep our rabid, slavering, disease-ridden animals zipped up in their carriers.
We were able to let the pugs poke their collective heads out of the carriers to at least stretch their necks, in the gate area. I think Sasha is looking for more handouts. They got copious amounts in order to bribe them into the carriers in the 1st place.
Cleo is not pleased with the duplicity of the airline.
airlines suck, mama
I'm sure Deedee would agree if she were more conscious.
what hearty travelers!